Publisher of quality media since 1989
All sales are final. White-Boucke does not accept merchandise returns except in the case of:
1. Incorrect item(s) shipped.
2. Defective product/shipping damage, i.e.:
● Books - faulty binding, loose pages, incorrectly printed pages, or missing pages.
● Computer Software - damaged disk, failure to install.
This policy is only in effect for orders placed on our and websites. Orders placed via the website are subject to the applicable policy.
Report problems to (559) 641-5444 or e-mail within one week of receipt of goods. In most cases, the customer will be asked to return the subject merchandise to us. On receipt, we will either replace the returned item with a fully functional replacement item or refund the original purchase price less the shipping charge. No exchange or refund will be given if returned item(s) show signs of improper use, operational wear or damage on route to us due to improper packing. Items authorized for return should be sent by USPS to:
White-Boucke Productions
Attn: Returns Department
PO Box 1463
Oakhurst, CA 93644, USA
DISCLAIMER - There are no other remedies, either expressed or implied, which extend the foregoing, and there are no warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. We will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damage due to defective, or improper use of, products. The foregoing shall be the exclusive remedy for defective or nonconforming merchandise.