Publisher of quality media since 1989
Web-based searchable databases
BOUCKEBRIEFS.COM is our website dedicated to our court reporting materials, including the web-based versions of
Because these programs are cloud based, they can be used with any internet-capable device; PCs, Macs, tablets, smartphones, Windows/OS/iOS/Android/etc.
Trade paper, 516 pages (5th ed., 2024)
This book is a court reporter's general vocabulary dictionary of over 70,000 conflict-free, mainly one-stroke briefs & phrases for realtime writing. Includes irregular verbs, principal parts of verb entries, punctuation, homonyms, special characters & more.
Trade Paper, 398 pages (5th ed., 2024)
A comprehensive dictionary of over 65,000 medical briefs and phrases. It is an indispensable reference work for reporting medical jobs, verifying spelling and medical transcription. The dictionary is arranged in dual columns alphabetically by English and provides one-stroke and two-stroke, conflict-
Trade Paper, 398 pages (5th ed., 2024)
A comprehensive dictionary of over 65,000 medical briefs and phrases. It is an indispensable reference work for reporting medical jobs, verifying spelling and medical transcription. The dictionary is arranged in dual columns alphabetically by English and provides one-stroke and two-stroke, conflict-free medical briefs. It contains terminology ranging from lay medical terms to highly specialized vocabulary.
Trade paper, 430 pages (4th ed., 2024)
A realtime dictionary/study guide for court reporters, divided into four parts: Grammatical Elements; Topic Categories (medical, deaf/hoh, geographical, computer and more); Numbers and Alphabets (numbering systems with/without number bar, 16 alphabet styles); Lexicon of Word Associations (incl. homonyms, antonyms, word families).
Windows Software (2006)
A searchable computer database of conflict-free briefs, phrases, irregular verbs, numbers and commonly used words. Based on the book “Brief Encounters” with elements of “CATegorically Speaking” included, searches can be performed by English or steno order as well as by words, phrases or combined. Users can add the
Windows Software (2006)
A searchable computer database of conflict-free briefs, phrases, irregular verbs, numbers and commonly used words. Based on the book “Brief Encounters” with elements of “CATegorically Speaking” included, searches can be performed by English or steno order as well as by words, phrases or combined. Users can add their own briefs via the "My Briefs" feature and optionally include these in a search.
Windows Software (2006)
A searchable computer database of conflict-free briefs, phrases, irregular verbs, numbers and commonly used words. Based on the book “Medical Briefs,” searches can be performed by English or steno order as well as by words, phrases or combined. Users can add their own briefs via the "My Briefs" feature and optionally include these in a search.