Publisher of quality media since 1989

Conflict-free dictionaries and reference works: books, PC-installed and web-based products. Click below for more.
Books and video on the gentle and practical method of early potty training, also called infant potty training, elimination communication and diaper-free. Click below for more.
Our books about the Netherlands including the best-selling The UnDutchables available in English, Dutch and complex Chinese. Click below for more.
From King Tut's tomb ... to Falklands fun ... to classic rock capers: our near-perfect "something for the weekend" offering. Click below for more.
White-Boucke was founded by Colin White and Laurie Boucke in 1989, at first offering technical documentation and machine stenography services. We published our first book "The UnDutchables" that year, and it soon became a European bestseller - a status that it continues to hold. This early success enabled us to expand both the book publishing and stenography activities to include court reporting, parenting and other titles and products. The company continues to offer unique, lively media and reference works of non-fiction, often with a strong element of humor.
White-Boucke's books were among the most stolen merchandise at Tower Records on Hollywood's Sunset Strip