Publisher of quality media since 1989
White-Boucke Productions respects your right to privacy and data security. For this reason, when you provide information to White-Boucke for quotes or orders, we will maintain secure control over the information that you provide to us on this site. This statement discloses the privacy guidelines for this site. For example, we request information from you when you place an order, request a quote, or request e-mail notification of your order status. In each of these instances, we may ask for your name, e-mail address, phone number, address, or other similar personal information that is needed to process your order.
White-Boucke only uses personal information for specific purposes. The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used to process your order, gain access to restricted areas of the website, or to support your relationship with White-Boucke Productions. White-Boucke will not disclose your personal information to any outside organization for its use in marketing. Information regarding you (such as name, address and phone number) or your order and the products you purchase will not be given or sold to any organization for its use in marketing or solicitation at any time.
White-Boucke is committed to data security with respect to information collected on our site. Only our e-commerce service provider has knowledge of your purchasing method. Transaction information is passed directly from you to the e-commerce service provider and is not captured by White-Boucke Productions. It is our policy to contact customers only in the event of a potential problem with your purchase or any normal business communication regarding your purchase.
This policy is only in effect for orders placed on our and websites. Orders placed via the website are subject to the applicable policy.